Sunday 20 April 2014

Last Day of Seminar

A very busy day to say the least but ending up on a big high at the main auditorium where the Living ECK Master, seemingly fragile but with steely intent, Sri Harold Klemp, regaled his attentive audience with simple but telling stories from the past year. He has a great sense of humour which pervades all his speeches which are always great to hear and peppered with amusing anecdotes.

The last time I was here, two years ago exactly, he was wheeled on to the stage, crippled with a recent severely fractured hip obviously still in great pain. He recounts a little of his hospital experiences as the audience relates well to disabilities and problems. His speech ended, the audience stands in long and   heartfelt applause as he slowly, with the aid of a walking stick, walks off the stage. His first, of only two appearances in the year, is over.

The crowd very slowly disperses, a little unwilling to leave the presence of the Master. It was another loving and simple, but excellent speech, satisfying everyone.

Today, Sunday, is a wrap-up of talks at the Hilton and then a bus trip to Chanhassen Temple for a last visit, and if weather permits, we will take a long walk along the Contemplation Trail which lasts about an hour. A beautiful and unhurried end to the four days of experiences.

With Deb and Ash at the Seminar

Outside with Arlene and and Ben

Snow at the Temple of ECK

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