Wednesday 23 April 2014

Vancouver Theatre

I'm on East Cordova and Carrall Sts after having been to some excellent theatre at the Firehall Arts Centre.
It was a locally written four hander, called 'Proud', a political satire about the 2011 federal elections. Some in-humour didn't detract from the fantastic acting, great sets and impeccable direction. 
It is surely a hit and played to a full house at the matinee I went to at 1pm. It is after the style of 'Yes Minister', but more a biting satire of what the Canadian Liberal government doesn't do, with a bit of sexual politics thrown in as well. Another good point is that at this matinee the tickets were anything you can afford, a special offer each Wednesday matinee, so logically it was a sell-out, with mainly the older retired or unemployed set.

It is my second day in Vancouver and I feel like I've been here a lot lot longer. Last night at the Scottish Dance it was a great welcome, and now the weather has turned a bit bad I may curtail my plans of travelling to Victoria on Vancouver Island - not enough time, inclement weather and too much to do in this vibrant city.

At this cafe called Rainiers, I am served by a nice young man with an accent, an Aussie accent, from Melbourne and a Collingwood supporter. I discover that there is an big Anzac Celebration at the 'Moose Down Under' on Pender St. tomorrow night, so my week is shaping up to be very full indeed. I have a vegetarian Moroccan chickpea dish which is quite satisfying and he makes me a real cup of flat white coffee. Tastes finally like real coffee and it takes an Aussie who does not touch it to make me the best coffee I have had yet!

At Rainiers with Aussie Rory at the espresso
An ecologically aware cafe...
On the corner...
Serving a good Moroccan stew

After a rekkie bus trip to the Scottish Cultural Centre, a good forty five minute bus ride, I stop at the Fifth Avenue Cinema on my way back to catch the obligatory movie. It is an Indian one, called 'The Lunch Box', looks good. But before I am having a lovely relaxing rooibos tea in the lovely cafe next door and notice the cinematheque magazine. There is a David Cronenberg retrospective on this month and the last one called 'Spider', which I haven't seen, is on tomorrow at eight thirty. I may skip the boozy Anzac Day bash and settle for a crazy Cronenberg movie. The Pub night may be a little too much for this old man, although it was a good idea at the time!

Well just home after the great movie which I must tell M may be a very effective movie for him. It was the story of a lonely man retiring and rejecting love...say no more.

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