Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Temple

Today M drove us both his rented Ford Focus to visit again the beautiful ECK Temple which is abouta ten  minute drive from the Inn. It is snowing and the wind-chill factor is high so I put on all my woolies and am still  bit cold as it is minus five degrees Centigrade. Such is Springtime this year in Minnesota.

Third visit to the Temple in ice and sleet
Reception desk at Chanhassen Temple of ECK

Still wintry outside the Temple
The entrance foyer of the Temple
Warming up for the HU Song
The ECK Star on the ceiling.
Inside the main auditorium at the ECK temple at Chanhassen
We are still M and I, suffering from jet lag, M more than I as he arrived a day after me,but coming to the Temple to meet some fellow ECKists and attend the evening HU song in the main auditorium is always a satisfying and helpful tool to help get back to the normal time frame. Tomorrow is the actual beginning of the Seminar in the Hilton Hotel in downtown Minneapolis and thousands will arrive there and thIs quiet time we have here will be over so we need to be fit and awake, especially if I am to work on the interpreter's desk.

The weather has really turned icy and next time I won't take any risk that Spring has sprung in Minneapolis! Long-johns are de rigeur!

On way home did some shopping at giant drug-store Walgreens and bought a nice birthday card for M in Melbourne  - suitable but not offensive - and then back to the Inn in the rain and sleet.
Tomorrow to the big city...

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