Saturday 26 April 2014

The Ceilidh...and Surrey

The Scottish Cultural Centre was the great venue for the monthly Ceilidh organised by my soon-to- be host Duncan Mc Kenzie. I arrived right on time and Duncan was at the door welcoming people. The first hour was an amazing performance by Duncan teaching the absolute beginners the rudiments of Country Dancing. With much fun and merriment we then moved onto the larger hall with a live band for the Ceilidh with many others attending who already knew  how to dance. So it was a big mix,  beginners, medium skilled, and advanced, a team of whom later gave an exhibition of lovely dancing (in below photo)
Exhibition Dance at the Ceilidh

Inside photo at Scottish centre, kilts are cool!

At Rod's Oyster Bar with two young Canadians (one Kiwi) Earlier that day I met up with my flatmate's son Dylan and his lovely girlfriend Rachel. They invited my to Rodney's Oyster Bar in Yaletown, just at the top of Davie where I was staying. The ambiance was terrific, and the company excellent. Dylan seems well established in  Vancouver and his girlfriend has him well looked after. It will be a goer I am sure. The oysters were not quite up to my expectations as the Sydney Rock Oyster has spoiled anyone when it comes to oysters, but it was a great meal and I would go there again.

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