Wednesday 9 April 2014

Bye Bear, bye Selina!

These are the safe paws I am leaving my house in while I am away for three weeks, am sure all will be A OK. The recent arrival of cold wet weather signifying the beginningof the winter months are a fitting farewell for me, about to arrive in Northern Hemisphere Spring. Let's hope so anyway.

This is the bleak weather I am quitting Wellington with, plane delayed one hour in take-off. I cannot believe I have prepared everything to the T before leaving, but the trick is, whatever happens, to accept it and get on with it. I am hopeful that I have learned several lessons from past trips and they will stand me in good stead. After all, it is only Sydney with family, Minneapolis with extended ECK family, and Vancouver, with more extended family, the Scottish dance fraternity. Simple really, what could go wrong?

My shuttle taxi driver boasted a strong North England accent and lamented the weather as is his God-given right, but I couldn't join him this time, as I have finally become accustomed to the totally unpredictable changes in Wellington's weather, and now actually enjoy them. I passed through stage one with the help of lovely Maori/Islander woman who told me I had to ship my trolley bag in cargo, too heavy, only allowed seven kilos in cabin luggage and it was ten, and my rucksack five. Must remember in future Qantas are very picky on luggage, but then I never liked travelling with them in the first place, I don't really know why I picked them this time, must have been cheap. Anyway I now have three hours to wait for the departure, along with a lot of others, but then there's no stress in being early and there was nothing more to do at home so better waste it here doing my blog, ay?

The profile of the young man in photo is typical of the young male creative Kiwi. A traveller, naturally, an Apple Mac user, naturally, a scribbled notebook from which he seems to be transcribing his next novel, well not absolutely sure about that one, but it is suspiciously close. He is unfortunately drinking a bottle of Coke which is a pity, knowing what it does to the overall health, but he is tall and slim, unlike my other neighbour who is possibly morbidly obese. Kiwis on the whole are a fit race I have noticed, but it is the Maori /Islander percentage which tends towards more obesity. 

Just hearing more flights cancelled so heaven knows when I'l take off.

The writer...
The eater...

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