Friday 11 April 2014

Glebe Pt beauty...

Five minutes away from the famous shopping strip of Glebe Pt Rd lies a treasure unknown by many which is Blackwattle Bay, upon which this quaint partially restored formerly grand home called Bellevue is now a popular cafe with the locals and the cognoscenti. It's been saved by the City Council from developers, the only part of this bayside real estate to have escaped the bastards. 

Formerly it was all industrial where no-one wanted to live, it is now amongst the prime real estate in Sydney and rightly so. It is a gem and the old world feeling of elegant Glebe in a bygone era permeates the air. It has always been a favourite but now it is possibly just where I would live if given the chance. It's close to CBD, but far away, has beautiful views, and has a rare very special atmosphere. Glebe itself has always been a centre for the literati being so close to Sydney University and home to many academics and students. It is now home to some old Italians and the discerning rich who have managed to buy into here at the right time as it is out of range for most.

I am here for my RV with H and I arrive on time and take a stroll and some photos. The lovely waitress serves me water and I say hullo to the gorgeous Husky cavorting on the grass. It is very dog-friendly with numerous water bowls scattered around. Finally I hear a grunt coming from a table around the corner of the once-grand house, yes, it is H, ensconced with his cappuccino and puppy, who is a straggly little terrier at his feet, so small I couldn't even see him. 'I didn't see you arrive' I said, amazed that he was there where I had just been a minute or so ago. 'Didn't want to interrupt your tapping' he amusingly replied. He was in black with a black pattered short-sleeved shirt, and large reflective sunglasses which kept his eyes a mystery. 'It's regular my table here' he said. 

It was in a good position but adjacent to the wall of the house, keeping his back safe I surmised later. I ordered a green jasmine tea and we began to chat. Conversation ran very easily, although he was quietly spoken and sometimes I had trouble hearing. So I moved a little closer. There were few niceties, which was nice, and after our tea and coffee we paid and left a generous tip to go for a walk along theBicentennial park  which was begging in the background. The little schnauzer, called drolly 'Puss', loved being with the many other pooches being pampered in the park, which was indeed a delight. H kept on regaling me with tales of the area and his many and very varied activities. Was he the sum total of his parts?  I am not too sure, but his parts very fascinating. He was quite wary at answering some of my more probing questions, which was OK, 'cos I am a bit inquisitive, but suffice to say, his life has been fascinating and he is a true life traveller. He is looking for a travel buddy really, and you never know, it could be me. 

Although chatty, he was loath to disclose too many personal details. Eldest of three, grew up in Melbourne, he is quite a bit younger than me, did not disclose his age, I did, but just to get that out of the way. He did tell me his birthday, June 20, one day after mine and  I wasn't really surprised as I had met my match in perhaps more ways than one.  His last partner of twenty-three years died two years ago of a heart attack. He is now over it apparently, but the partner, an Aries, a bi-polar academic so he said, would have been an absolute handful.

He  walked me back to Glebe Point Road and took my details and we arranged to meet up again on May 1 when I am back in Sydney en route to Wellington. The second encounter will be just as interesting as the first I am quite sure, but as another twin, I know now what to expect - the unexpected. It was a very informative afternoon with an unusual kindred spirit.

View of city under Anzac Bridge 
Corner of the cafe where we sat.
More views of Sydney CBD

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