Monday 7 April 2014

Wet days in Wellington

The weather has turned, into what it usually is, wet and windy, no fun for the uninitiated. But then I've lived through a long winter and have now become accustomed to the vagaries of this wonderful micro-climate. Unfortunately for the Royal Couple, whose arrival was delayed by fog and winds it seemed not too welcoming, but it is a good augury according to Maori lore. See news photos...

 I am now making last minute tweaks to my travel schedule, two days in Sydney now organised, one with family and one with friend Hadrian, to be spent at a favourite spot in Glebe, new for me, but a very favourite suburb from my Uni days in the sixties. Am looking forward to that.

But back to home base, last night at Te Reo Maori was as always, totally unexpected and for me, nearing the ridiculous.  In its first 'assessment', which I probably thoroughly botched up, but no matter, they'll see I need more attention, which of course I won't get, as it is essentially every man for himself in this game, and  I see where this comes from given the Maori history of inequality and land grabs by the incoming Brits.

 Interestingly, after seeing the Doco on the Springboks tour, racism is now rearing its ugly head. Maori are begging it to become a discussed subject, especially in the area of policing and Maori in gaol. Fifty per cent of the inmates are of Maori background as in all colonised countries. My observation is that the indigenous peoples, deprived of their rights and land internalise their problems and the result is law breaking and detention. I feel for them but there is little one can do, but learning their culture is a step forward, certainly for me. 

This country is not Royal mad, not completely anyway, but the majority seem to want to keep it a constitutional Monarchy, especially when the Queen sends such attractive emissaries like her grand children to visit us here at the end of the Earth, in Middle Earth.

Oh, btw, my movie last night, the French one about the older woman finding happiness after retirement, was so booked out I didn't get a look-in. The Embassy was totally full with women quaffing the free champagne offered by the Alliance francaise, lots of potential students there no doubt.
I distributed some business cards on the coffee tables so we'll see if there is any response. I doubt it as they will need more cajoling and certainly a personal introduction. However I am sure that eventually I will get a small stable going of dedicated French learners in my 'Salon de francais'.

Front page news.
In rain-swept Wellington...
With a bemused Princess Kate....
And having a coffee in Felix.

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