Tuesday 15 April 2014

Wisconsin Welcome

After another sleepless trip for the three hour stopover in Toronto, my arrival in Minneapolis was more than welcome and lovely D was waiting at the arranged Starbucks RV reading her Kindle.The airport   was eirily empty at 9.45 pm on a Sunday so we were soon out of the cavernous carpart and on the  motorway to cross the border into Wisconsin where D lives with hubby J and daughter L.  They had allkindly waited  up to meet me and after a nice herbal tea and piece of cake I am in large bed to sleep a much desired eight or nine hours. Woken up by Gaffer's barking I go downstairs in the large modern house to discover a coffee already made and note from D. All three are gone to their respective occupations and I have the day to recover..back in bed!

Joined by the two Jack Russells I am not alone, they also have two very independent pussy cats - D has just written a book about cats so I am in a very special household.

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