Monday 21 April 2014

On to Vancouver

Just arrived at Minneapolis airport. Smooth entry through security after a quick shuttle bus to airport. M's idea of always renting a car seems somewhat superfluous when I see how close the airport actually is, but I know he does rent a car to be of taxi service to those who may have travel problems. He is that sort of person.

Picture of perfect Spring weather on the Temple Trail.
We were lucky to experience both winter and Spring during the four days of the Seminar and here below are three of the young people who attended, a little bemused by my attention, but receptive nevertheless. They are from Nigeria.
The placid lake at the base of the ECK Trail
With old friend Willi from Zurich

Having an awful coffee and pastry at Minn. airport. I have absolutely given up getting real coffee in the US and as far as food goes, their doctors make a good living out of their terrible diet. The food is tasteless, over-large servings and always sweetened

I now have another one hour wait for the Air Canada plane to Toronto to connect to Vancouver arriving around 6 pm.

Pad Thai at Toronto Airport...before..

...and after! Hardly edible and a complete waste.

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