Thursday 13 November 2014

At Jimmy's

Y It's Friday and I'm en route to BP for potluck lunch. Time to pop into Jimmy's for a coffee and read the paper. The paedophile murderer has been arrested in Rio, miraculously, with the aid of social media no doubt, and also because of his stupidity in not changing the way he looks. He's now in gaol and will be deported never to return I would say. Silly naive Kiwi that he is, but obviously he has a serious mental problem as well.

The footy is on, both here and in Edinburgh, the people are crazy for it. I never really thought I would be, but I will try to attend the Kiwi match tomorrow night. Just for the experience. 

The coffee at Jimmy's btw was excellent so I am trying, exceptionally, a second one. The waiter, a Latin from Argentina, reminds me so much of my Spanish friend from days in Besancon it is quite disturbing. So I took a couple of snaps of him, for the record. The scene at Jimmy's, in the foyer of the St James Theatre, is very special as It feels so European, even like Madrid in its spaciousness and decor. It takes me straight back to nostalgic days in Spain which I enjoyed so much. This sort of experience I will miss when I leave these windy shores. But I will be back.

Strangely I last night received a call from Benjamin a new Peruvian pen friend who lives In Port Stephens. He wants to meet up perhaps when I go there in January, he sounds very nice on the phone. Douglas my good friend from San Francisco also rang me out of the blue the other day and left a message. I was quite astounded as he has never before rung me. I will return the call one day when I get his number correct. Sis also sent some snaps from our recent family get-together in Sydney, see photo.

Our house is quiet without the presence of the vibrant K, and F has a bad problem with her foot, too much work no doubt. So things at home will be quiet for a while.The idea of a Newcastle sojourn doesn't seem at all unpleasant, but I must be realistic about the hot summers that they have. I suppose one could always visit Wellington for a break, ay? Lol.

Jimmy's, a popular breakfast haunt..

Photo from family reunion in Sydney..

...a rare reunion of four siblings.

The Argentinian at work..

..collecting dishes..

Football fever and tattooes galore.

A great Kiwi invention, The Thermette, I must get one!

At a Greytown retro furniture shop

Sitting on Jimmy and Daisy's seat, being thankful!

forgot I had arranged to go with Tom on his job to Greytown for the afternoon. It is a most charming spot, so full of retro/antique shops selling lovely stuff at hefty prices. Perfect for the wealthy out-of-towners to furnish their country pads. I saw some nice dining tables of great wood for about four thosand dollars each, probably quite worthy of buying if you have that sort of cash. There is certain feel of wealth and laziness here, but not a Maori or Islander in sight, it's probably not the sort of place they would like to live in I'm afraid. It is where the twain shall not meet, this little gem of post-Victorian gentility. It is really quite similar to Moss Vale in the Southern Highlands out if Sydney.

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