Tuesday 4 November 2014

Bleak Day at Evans Bay

Today has been a day of total reflection. The weather is awful, winter returns, and I am staying at home, having forgotten my RV at Parliament House to promote Women's condoms.

I am also booking my return flight with BYOJet to Manchester, there to make the European ECK Seminar in August next year at Birmingham. Manchester, because it is in the middle and on the Finnair flight which I find is a good way to avoid Heathrow, that labyrinth of terminals. Also I hope to take a coach ride to Edinburgh where I have never been. So my two weeks only will be busy, but affordable and interesting. Am forgetting London, far too big and I have done that before too many times. Will just explain to friends I have to be back for big bro's 80th birthday and am time-poor, which is very understandable. I will also have a week to recover in Sydney on my return, there to make some serious sorties to Newcastle to see what it offers and what is available for me when I come back at end of September.

In the meantime I have finally heard back from Interfaith and they have acknowledged my input and even thanked me! A big worry gone as I feared I may have made some people angry with all my questions.

New Zealand and I are different, I am realising this more and more each day, and the Hui in Hamilton will probably confirm all my suspicions, it is time to make plans. Really it is all done and dusted, I just have to make sure I have a more than elegant departure, and that I leave no karma behind, for the future will be a big challenge too.  Newcastle, here I come!

Clouds clearing...
...but cool winds blowing
....and Koroi's clothes still damp on line.
..but the vines love the rain
...inside empty, even the hall is dark!

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