Thursday 27 November 2014

I-Phone problem!

Drama today after a second check at Vodafone shows my fears are realised that my Iphone's connectivity is not their fault but most likely the phone itself. Back to the merchant to get a new one I suppose, but it is World AIDS day collection today so things have to wait.

The Te Papa ex chief shown to be totally incompetent...

The foyer of Jimmys's bedecked with Christmas  trees and summer dressing!

At least the weather has improved somewhat and there has to be a solution for this phone, best result is a total replacement as it is still under warrantly. After much to-ing and fro-ing and the most generous assistance of friend Tom, who kindly offers the use of his old I 4 phone, I am tomorrow in debt to him and await a ten day turnaround to retrieve a new phone from Auckland. Jimmy at P&B who sold me the original phone, was extremely patient when both of us Tom and I, could not remember our passwords! Tomorrow is another day and tonight a Satsang, thank goodness, I need it.

The collection went well btw, we collected over $1,500!

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