Monday 24 November 2014

The film that moved a nation

Last night at my final Mac lovers night I had a much better experience than at any computer event ever. We were shown an historic doco movie made by the NZ Film Commission in 1971 for the current Japanese World Expo. It was such a stunning success they also made a doco about making it, and they were both now digitally updated to today's technology.

Some of the original film makers were there last night and I bought a DVD copy of it. As usual, it is of great unique quality that show Kiwis for what they are, high achievers and great at anything they turn their hands to.
I was really lucky to find this movie which is a rare and honest insight into New Zealand in the Seventies.
Here it is below....
Today is another awful day at Evans Bay, rainy and cold...
But this is how they function best, these Kiwis...

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