Thursday 20 November 2014

Farewell to Jimmy

I am at The Jimmy again as it is closing on December 21 so I may as well use it while it's here, it's good value and very comfy. Armchairs and all that, but you can see why it's not making money, it's just abit off the beaten track although it is on Courtenay Place.  Oh well, that's cafe business, you've got to have a gimmick these days.

Am gearing up for my big weekend, tonight at Michael Fowler with Peer Gynt, and tomorrow at Beth's, and Sunday, a double whammy. Will be glad when Monday comes around when I have the last WellMac session for the year, but unfortunately again missing out on my swimming.

It is a strange dichotomy, living in this town, with so much to offer but still with the problems of people like the lady Mayor who I believe, doesn't have much of an idea how to do anything. It has taught me that unless you get up and do it yourself you can't really criticise anyone, but perhaps getting out is the final solution. However Wellington will always retain its charm if only because of its confined and beautiful harbour, encompassing a small non high-rise city with an amazing collection of restaurants, bars and boutique cinemas and its myriad of Arts festivals.
The Jimmy, soon to close..

...making my farewells..

The fabulous Long Bar...

After the fantastic concert I have repaired to the Crumpet, the cafe attached to the Opera House, which is playing at the moment Mama Mia, a far cry from the high brow music at the Michael Fowler Centre, but surely just as enjoyable.
The Mozart, Tchaikowsky and Greig  program was very ably played by the NZSO with the high point doubtless the cello solo by an Armenian musician who played so beautifully the audience was enraptured. He gave two encores and the last was to his countrymen present in the theatre. He played an evocative piece which appealed to all people who were away from their homeland. Well it made me cry and I felt so strongly homesick that my decision to return home was even more strengthened. A great night's music.

It was dark at the Crumpet, but the hot chocolate was served with a nice piece of Whittakers chocolate, very nice, I'll come again.

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