Sunday 9 November 2014

Back at Gotham

Woke at six feeling so refreshed after a real sleep in my own bed I am already out and about meeting Tom for coffee at Gotham.
Have also done house chores and set up a a situation which is exciting for all concerned at number 42. More later about that as it is in the slow cooker but it is shaping up to be a successful result.
Am at Gotham in wonderful Spring weather...
Have even doffed my winter gear in anticipation...

My ruminations after the four day Hui are leading me, as I had thought, to the full realisation of where I stand, or not, in Kiwland. Such a wonderful, magnetic country, full of active charming people, but are they my whanau and iwi? This I the question I am carrying away with me from this very  tribal weekend in Whatawhata.

My iwi is obviously back in Oz, and my whanau I create wherever I may go, but Eckankar is the one essential ingredient. My life in Wellington is richer than it's been for a long time, but I feel that next year will be the time to return to my iwi and be of service there. The Kiwis have taught me a lot and I will continue to have an undoubted relationship with them, coming back regularly I am sure. But the drive is there, to go home to Oz and to be myself there as I am here. Lots to look forward to and a legacy to leave here in Wellington as well. Koroi may well be a part of that.

Typical Kiwi collecter, this time it is tea towels.

...and here a master craftsman sells his chairs in Carterton

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