Sunday 16 November 2014 the Belle

Today I woke up to more cold drizzle so as quickly as I could stretch my limbs, shower and have a cuppa, I was on my way to town. I missed the bus, it arrived early, so I walked around the Point to wait for the Number 14. The Memphis Belle was calling.

Photo op for Tony Abbott

The Belle at fast speed

The excellent barista.

Wall art....

90 year old gym junkie!

On checking out the news I discover that I actually missd the most exciting part of the footy game on Saturday night. Oz scored in the last minute for a win, but the try was disallowed because of a suspect forward pass. Such a win for the Kiwis who did walk away with the trophy, but the Aussies still had their pride. Theirs was, after all, a second string team.

After this bout of national pride it is interesting to see how my plans for a return to Oz are slowly but surely taking place. Of course there are new friendships like J to consider, but she knows already of  my impending departure, sometime. And really what else is there to to consider? BP won't miss me, the swimmers won't miss me, the Ti Whanawhana I will be sad to leave, but really, I am not Maori and never will be. My blood remains Anglo Celtic and I am four generations Australian. And Eckankar, my major reason for moving anywhere, I believe now has more things for me to do in my native country than here in these adopted isles. Things are done differently here I discover, and that is how it is. Big challenges await me in Oz.

I looked at my recent dream diary and discovered many dreams situated in my home town of Gosford, so it may well be there where I relocate. After all, my good friend PK wants me so much to live in his Gosford house, which I suppose, at a pinch, I could do. After all, one thing I have learned in these years of moving house, is that possessions and place are not essential to one's well being. Although a flat of my own is still an attractive prospect. However that can still eventuate once I am back on home turf and where I can organise things more simply and clearly. May be the 'way to go' as they say in the vernacular. 

We'll see, I must not forget that patience has been the virtue I am learning most in Kiwiland.

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