Saturday 15 November 2014

Sunday post mortem

This may be a typical newspaper headline, but it this case it is all too typical of such 'blunders'  that seem to happen regularly in Kiwiland. Forensic samples were 'lost' because of sloppy police work. I supposeit goes with the territory, New Zealand is one of the safest, if not the safest place, in the world to live, so the police are pretty slack in the main, everyone is just too honest, except of course, the lone Kiwi runaway to Rio who recently miraculously got apprehended at a back packers. He also absconded from a country with lax rules on passports and immigration. It looks like they will have to up the ante and become like all other first world countries with high security and all that it entails.

The G20 in Brisbane shows what needs to be done when world leaders get together, you can't move without asking a security guard. Of  course the other headline is a house burnt down after a party in Hamilton and three young people lost, presumed dead. Another Kiwi tragedy.

Anyway I am here on the waterfront and it's sunny, but windy, and I so I don't know how long I'll last outside. The wind kills everything in Wellington, plants as well. All these little things add up to sometimes an intolerable situation and I feel my decision to leave is well grounded and well founded, I am just following in many others' footsteps who weren't able to cut it here because of the weather.
Sunday headlines...
Blue skies..

But too windy so I retreat inside.

Last night at Westpac stadium where I left before the end of the game to avoid the crowds of drunken celebrating  Kiwis, they won needless to say, I thought about my differences to the Kiwi mentality. It is just that I am too old really, if I were young I could blend in somewhat, and decide to have the great quality of life they have here. But no, I am ready for a return to OZ as it's homelands calling although my experience here I will never forget.

Getting too windy..

The Kiwis - condemned to jog.

My ticket to defeat...

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