Sunday 23 November 2014

Perfect Day at Roseneath

It is Sunday and lots happening. Well two things really, but the idea of a windless sunny day is so entrancing that I want to enjoy it to the full. I have an appointment at The Long Hall, above me at Roseneath, to listen to the story of 100 years of the Wellington Opera House which should be interesting. It is given by Bill Sheats, a former thespian of much experience it appears, but the talk turned out to be a bit disappointing I have to say. Bill was not a public speaker, more like a mumbler, although it could have been great, it was mediocre. Such is luck in Wellington. 

Straight after the talk I was scheduled to attend the Interfaith Concert of Lights at Newtown Community Hall. I was a  little nervous as the organisers appear to be rather ad hoc, I am nevertheless approaching it with optimism. Viva is singing and presenting a video on Eckankar. Am sure it will be illuminating for some, and possibly confronting for others.

Sonny forever iphoning his family in India...
Beautiful Weather...
After the concert I am relieved as it went very well, but they are quite a strange lot I must say.

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