Friday 21 November 2014

Saturday at the Roxy, Miramar

Well, after last night's concert how do you follow that up? Am still remembering the cellist, such a talent!
Waiting for kids' movie...
At the Art Deco Roxy...
Where they do big business..I believe owned by Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson.

Still talking about the sexual harassment in Christchurch...goes a lot deeper.

It's funny now I have finally made my decision I can see all the reasons why it had to happen....I look around at the 'certain-aged' people, of which I am one, and I don't see myself here, at all. And I suppose it's just that, I don't  want to be a complacent retiree going out to movies every day, concerts every other day, and dancing Scottish Country Dance with serious exponents, really serious ones I mean. And there are many things that I have loved doing here but that I am getting too old to do. Such as swimming competition with young people, singing in avant garde choirs, and just being a 'regular guy'. These days are well and truly over and my countdown is from now. 

After last night's concert I skyped good friends in Zurich Willi and Robert, the latter who is an Armenian. We arranged to go to the opera in Sydney on January 17 to see Tosca together. It will be a great return to the great opera house in Sydney. This is where I would really like to belong if anywhere. Perhaps also in Gosford which would allow me do that occasionally, and even possibly from Newcastle which is probably my preferred city.

I'll ring PK this weekend to have a chat with him and also email K in Honiara to fill him in as to the possibilities of staying on here with his family. Che sera, sera, as the song goes. I have now to prepare for a seventieth birthday party where I will know virtually no-one. An early departure may allow me to catch an Ellmore Leonard movie at the Paramount, then home for an early night. J's many invitations lie unattended as they are, in reality, too many..

Well the Seventieth went well, and longer than expected. Met some very friendly Kiwis, as always, and of course dear friends of Beth who has a great number of them. Received an invitation to a birthday lunch on December 20 at Waikanae, a couple of old friends of Beth, so I may escort her there and even visit Gwyneth.

So I missed the thriller and saw an interesting doco on a strange eccentric street photographer in NYC. Yes another one. A French woman who was certainly very talented but died an unknown and whose exhibitions are now all around the world. It was a telling lesson on solititude, she died alone and destitute, but her boys whom she had nannied gave her a fond farewell.

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