Wednesday 12 November 2014

Smith the Grocer in the Old Bank

Weather turned cold again. Koroi  has excitedly left for a three week trip covering the elections in the Solomons so the house is decidedly quieter without the interaction of the two boys. F, of course, forever at work, is a presence rarely seen. Last night we had the final Scottish Country Dance, a very well attended affair to which I arrived half an hour late due to the unexpected showing of the the ECK  Worldwide Seminar address by the Living ECK Master, which was not something I wanted to miss.

It was certainly worth the wait. The speech was as always, simple and direct, a series of anecdotes about people and their lives in a spiritual context. But at the end of his speech he was visibly emotionally charged and he made a pretty quick exit which is not his wont. Methinks there are happenings afoot in the next twelve months for which we must all be ready. The times are indeed, a'changin.
At this tradtional grocers's store in the Old Bank buliding on Lambton Quay
With a few old timers...
And some young ones.

Coffee at the Smith the Grocers was OK and the atmosphere just there, but the weather again played its hand. A chill wind makes things always unpleasant in this town. I wonder how Saturday night at the stadium will be for the fabled clash of the Kiwis and the Kangaroos? I hope I can get a ticket as it will be a tough game I'm sure. I have a full Saturday as at five thirty we have the Ceilidh as well, which happily finishes at seven thirty in time for my game at eight forty five. Again the fulness of Wellington life.

In the City Library for a quick browse, and to get out of the cold!

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