Thursday 29 October 2015

Another day, the sun returns..

I awoke to the sun shining through my front doors and a check on bank account to see that the rent was finally paid. Interesting to see I have to teach the young ones much more than I thought, or is it just  that she is a laid back Canadian, and doesn't do money well? May be, but all is good now and she is on automatic payments which is what I wanted in the first place but she didn't apparently know about them. Another lesson for me!

Nostalgia for meand my days in my parents' bookshop/starionery at Gosford where we lived on top of the shop for many years. 

It was not a particularly happy time, going through puberty with an increasing dysfunctuonal alcoholic father and a long term suffering mother. But it all turned out alright in the end. Dad died at 64 leaving Mum to resume a single life without suffering and to create a wonderful home where she welcomed many visitors and where I lived with her in her last years, for eight of them. She passed away at the grand age of 97. I really don't think I want to live to be that old, but who knows, I'm only seventy!

A connoisseur coffee taster, David

The Memphis 'patron', on the go..

Greens' Bossnow retired to the Greenpeace movement.

This TED talker knows the dangers of the internet addiction.....but he does travel the world talking and meditating...not a bad way to live really! I am hoping my membership of Toastmasters may give my public speaking a boost that it needs. On again next Monday, we'll see.

Last night at swimming we had a new arrival, from Hong Kong, via Melbourne and Whanganui, as you do! Name of Harry, a charming and fit young Chinese boy of multi accent and very intelligent I believe. I wonder if he will be seduced by Wellington like the rest of us? He is on contract for something, I don't know what. I felt great after the swim with Gareth the coach being as nice as ever, not pushing me too much. I will be sorry to leave them if I have to, the week is not long enough for me!

This afternoon I meet up with Ron to discuss the latest drama in Auckland about the Body Positive failure. I still haven't written that letter, and am waiting for the right moment. In the meantime I have emailed the former applicant to see if he would be available and interested if the job reappeared. No reply yet from him, probably won't be, it is New Zealand after all!

Robbie Williamsreceiving a powhiri on his arrival at Wellington airport, dscovers he is to sing outside on a cricket ground! Luckily, the unpredictable weather may well be fine, but not warm, and the crowds will ultimately go mad as they always do to a good show in Wellington. Enormous preparations in the Basin Reserve have made it into a good venue   depending on the weather. Good luck to Robbie, the Kiwis are his sort of people, he sports a big Maori tattoo!

Again New Zealandis punching well above its weight in the singing arena, with this girl at twenty-one, a graduate from a New York school of singing and drama, appearing as Evita, which looks as if it should be a big success, with an all Kiwi, talented cast.

Have just decided to have a pain au chocolat, why? To celebrate Friday, the end of the week!

This likeable, good looking faceof Dan Carter could be the reason the Aussies lose the World Cup final on Sunday morning. If it is, and not through bad and biased refereeing by Clive Owen, than I won't mind too much, as he is a veritable champion and deserves to win, any time. I'm afraid I can't say the same about the captain Richie McCaw, already raised to sainthood status by the adoring Kiwi fans.

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