Friday 30 October 2015

Calm before the storm

Well Satuday has dawned with some interest. First a blackout at home and when I rang the landlord, first idea, he said ring Meridian Electricity, good idea, but then the electricity came back on, just like that. Olivia later told me Meridian were predicting an outage in Roseneath today. I wonder why, Robbie's big concert at Basin Reserve perhaps?

However all is well and the landlord wants to talk to me about something, no idea what, usually not too important, I hope!
The fifties, my favourite decade...of innocence.

Papers riddled with Rugby.....

Nostalgic photos...

Today's teenager opposite....

Yesterday's girls, more innocent?

Front and back pages.....

As well as the Rugby, the drama unfolds in Auckland with another resignation from the board of BP. I wrote my letter and have kept it waiting for the right moment to send it to the present Director asking him to consider resigning for the good of the Body Positive. I have a director-in-waiting, Scottie, but can I bring this about? It will be tough and I need to do some more backroom work and lobbying in the right places. Some more emails to the right people may help.

Anyway, the gods must be smiling on Robbie Williams as a fine evening is solidly predicted at the Basin Reserve.

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