Sunday 4 October 2015

Monday arrives, warm and springy..

Sitting in the the Memphis listening to the caramel tones of Johnny Marthis singing Paris Skies is a far cry from the awful news in the Dom Post.
Putin is bombing Syria in the face of absolute disbelief of Barack Obama, making him look like a toothless fool. The Oregon mass murder of nine makes nary a headline, and the only good news is that  a Polish priest comes out in the the Vatican, saying so many of the priests there are gay. He appeared with his boyfriend Edouard, and said he is in love and a proud gay priest. Is this the beginning of truth in Rome? I doubt it, the Catholic Church is not ready for it yet, how hypocritical does it have to get before it states the bleeding obvious, half the Catholic clergy is gay!


In the morning..yesterday it was bedlam here!

England loses to Oz and is out of the WC!In this footy mad country this game was just avcurtain raiser to the main event, when the All Blacks may eventually play either Australia or Wales in the final...who knows the result, but the ABs are the all-time favourites!

Obama defenceless against Putin......shown to be a toothless tiger.

More dead in the US.

Smiling gay Polish priest in the Vaticanis ousted for outing himself!

Colin Firthas Mr Darcy, brooding after his cooling-off swim made him famous and an adaption which made Andrew Davies the screenwriter a very successful man also. Davies only started writing at age fifty and is now 79 and is still at it - an enormous success story. of dreams. My dreams perhaps? 

My only visit there was when I was coming down from an acid trip in 1972 and I didn't really know where I was. It was like a dream, but a beautiful one. Ideally I would like to recreate this and this article about Venice makes it look real and inviting. 

If my plans to visit Frankfurt in 2017 comes off for the ECK European Seminar then I could easily make a quick  train rode across from Frankfurt to see this dreamy city. It would be in early August, beginning of summer, but it may be a good time to visit all the same. 

This trip could be my last big European indulgence, reliving memories of a disastrous steamy affair with German Stups, but better forget that one! Just go to the fish restaurant Da Marisa in honour of my old Italian friend Marisa who unfortunately has seen better days. 
But you gotta have dreams!

Carnival Palace Hotel looks OK

Marvellous canals...poetic vistas.

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