Wednesday 28 October 2015

Back to the pool

Tonight is my return to swimming, for a while anyway. We are back at Kilbirnie after the refurbishing of the pool, meaning there is a new change area and new tiles on the bottom. I wonder if I will notice the difference...

It's still cool and the temperature is cool at home too as I wrote a letter to the housemates suggesting they lift their not sure how it was taken as they have been avoiding me for the last days, or it may be my imagination, who knows? However it had to be said as two of them do nothing to clean the kitchen up, and that is a normal thing to keep clean in a house of four people, don't you think? I hope I worded the email in the right way however, you just never know.

Aussie accent getting a bum rap in the local press..Kath and Kim getting an airing?

Quiet at Memphis...

Abbott embarrassing Australia stillwith his tirade on immigration and how the bible is wrong with love thy neighbour! He received much flack from everyone, why doesn't he just go to bed and not get up!

World Cup madnessin Twickenham, the world is really crazy, sixty grand for a game of footy!!

Interesting to see that Australia is always in the Kiwi press whereas New Zealand is rarely in the Aussie  press, except for the Rugby of course, and all the other sports where Kiwis excel. 

Such a wet day, made for a movie, and guess what, at eleven there is the latest Aussie film called 'The Dressmaker' starring Kate Winslet, and a few Kiwis of course. It's on at the Cuba Lighthouse so I pop up at the last minute and there are many seats left in this cosy theatre.

Don McAlpine is the cinematographer so it's gotta be great, and it certainly is. And the acting ain't bad either. The hunky Lliam Hemsworth twin from WA is the male lead, as well as Hugo Weaving enjoying playing a transvestite policeman in a tiny country town in northern Victoria. The beautiful Kate's character returns a glamorous woman from London after a career in fashion design, and wants to meet her aged near-demented Mum and exorcise her childhood demons. 

It is indeed a can of worms, and this tiny town has much dirty underwear. Told with great tongue in cheek, not the least due to the great skills of Judy Davis who plays the reclusive mother who gave birth to her bastard daughter, who was then accused of a childhood murder by the village and sent to England to get away. 

The weird threads are brought together by good directing, and although not a great script, it didn't need a great one as it was based on an award winning story by author Rosalie Ham. Directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse, it was a humorous, very off-beat description of the quirks of country Aussie life in the fifties. And tons of fabulous fifties fashion!

It was enjoyable, but more than that, it urged me back to my Aussie roots and I felt very nostalgic. Oz is pulling me again but I have certain things to achieve here before I go, probably not till in 2017 when I will be seventy-two and come back from the European ECK Seminar in Frankfurt in August.  But there is much water to flow under the bridge before then. 

So there, I have sown the seeds in my blog for my eventual return to my roots, but it will be at the right time, with everything in place. Gives me food for thought though, and goals to set.

Kate Winslet, with Singer sewing machine.

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