Wednesday 14 October 2015

The day after the funeral

A good sleep at Pam's made all the difference. Woke at six thirty and we had a cup of tea before she took me to Onehunga Station  and there luckily a train was waiting to take me to the city, Britomart, to be exact, where I am now to have this first coffee of the day before proceeding to Sky City Bus terminal to take my day coach back to Wellie.

It was quite a day yesterday, and I was so happy I made the effort to come up and also have an opportunity to speak at Philip's funeral. Also to chat with his family, his parents in particular. The mother seemed perennially sad, unable to smile, and the father more philosophical and seemed a very nice man. Self-made, from originally owning a dairy like so many other Indian expats, he made a fortune from working hard and buying properties. His eldest son has a mental problem and Phillip was always there to help him and he was very upset at the early death of his brother. His two other brothers, both multi-millionaires in their own right Pam told me, were not so sympathetic, but Pam in her inimitable way broke down all barriers and circulated like the Queen she really is.

Katherine from the Funeral Service called Davis, was 'par excellence'. One of the best Undertakers I have ever experienced and she was charming and thoughtful right to the last minute when she loaded us up with left-over cakes and sandwiches which the predominantly Indian guests had not wanted to eat. It was all the same an excellent reception and a great end to to a tough day for Pam who was very happy I was there to help her. We hugged goodbye and will see each other in Wellington soon I hope.
Britomart Staion Café

A morning reviver..a good coffee!

On the way home there were a few stops but one long one at the god-foresaken bikie hang-out called Taihape. It was practically deserted except for some slouching youths with nothing to do. I think it has had some big drug problems in its day.

Taihape Subway.....where I ate a 'sub' sandwich, ok.

Taihape stopover where the whole town was absent...looks like it's dying a slow death, or is it just Thursday afternoon 'quiet time'?

However the big point of my return trip was sitting with an Auckland Poz friend Roger whom I bumped into at the Star City bus depot and with whom I had a lively catch-up chat. He was on his way to Taupo for a Sexual Health Conference and he filled me in with some salient details of the Auckland running of Body Positive. I am now sure I must make stronger moves in that direction to get rid of the incumbent Chair and Director who are ruining the organisation. I also gave him a HU CD which he was  interested to listen to. Quite a meeting!

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