Wednesday 21 October 2015

October 22 ECK New Year

Having three twenty-five year olds to live with is a tough gig sometimes, especially when it comes to ecological awareness, energy consumption and the like. The washing machine was rolling on at midnight last night, the lights in the kitchen were on when I woke up in the morning, and there were only three small pieces of clothes in the washer. I had to think of what to say to Sonny, as he was the perpetrator, but Sonny is never, ever, wrong. In his opinion that is. He can never accept the fact he may have made an error, or a wrong decision, or that he can't do everything perfectly. 

This morning he said he was trying to remove a stain from his shorts, which he showed me. There was no mark at all that I could see, but he insisted it was still dirty and he had placed them in the machine on the spin cycle to dry. What could I say, he is never wrong! I bit my tongue, he comes from a privileged Kashmir wealthy family where servants do all the washing and most other menial things I am sure. It is a fine line to take, do I criticise, in a positive way, or just let go? I just don't think, to use today's jargon, that we are on the same page, and we never will be. Will he learn one day, when he marries his wife who won't like that he always is right in everything he does? It may well come to that, who knows? She may be the one to teach him he is never right, all the time!

Kiri coming in April to Wellington!

Ma'a Nonu the best..? Probably.

Are the ABs privileged with their 
haka?They may well be, as they seem now to have assumed the mantle of Rugby Royalty!

Today is October 22nd, the beginning of the ECK new year, which is called this year the Year of the Shariyat, which is the holy book of Eckankar. It also commemorates the day of translation of the modern day founder of Eckankar, Sri Paul Twitchell. I will be travelling to Waikanae to sing the HU song with Gwyneth and Peter and his Mum, as it cannot pass without some celebration. Perhaps Pam will come with me, if she so wishes. 

 In the meantime I am waiting at Memphis Belle to have a meeting with Pam to see how all her 'will problems' are being resolved. She is now in constant contact with her solicitor, a woman in Auckland who should look out for her interests, for a good fee of course. I may even send her an email in Pam's support, but I don't want to interfere unneccessarily. It is an extremely delicate situation and has to be   handled very carefully.

At Waikanae Beachwhere I had time to organise a massage and back manipulation to help remedy what went wrong in twenty four hours of recent bus travel. I was lucky to get an appointment for tomorrow at three with my old mate Joe Gin. Heta, who originally gave me this contact, was nice in giving me Joe's new address and number. So all is good to fix my back, at least temporarily, tomorrow.

Then on to a beautiful New Year HU chant with Gwyneth, Peter and his Mum Lilian. It was a great start to the year, and Waikanae beach, as you can see in my photo, was exquisite. I may have missed my swimming night but its replacement was more than worth it.

Finally I received a note from Pam saying all is 'cool' with the lawyer, good news so now she can sleep well tonight. On to a quiet night at home with a Radio NZ Concert and Michael Houston playing Mozart.

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