Friday 23 October 2015

Sunny Saturday to Norsewood

It is a beautiful morning and all bodes well for a lovely 'weekend in the country' with Tom and Brent, as Stephen Sondheim so aptly put it in song.

Am shopping at New Town for the week anyway, and then have a RV at Zaida's with Pam. Two texts this morning as PH is back from London amd wants to see me on Wednesday. He sounded full of energy that boy. He will have news of Renie and Jasper no doubt.

My back is still much the same and the four hour road trip to Norsewood will be the real test. I may have to visit Joe again on my return. This time I will also have a massage.
Am leaving the three young ones in charge of the house on this holiday weekend and it will be interesting to see if it is order when I return. They are an interesting bunch these three, seem to get on well but all are quite selfish although Alice seems to be the most aware of sharing. The others have no idea!

It will be my last chat with Pam today as she fills me in on the latest drama with The Will. It will never be easy as she is still too attached to the situation amd I'm afraid it will be a lawyer's win in the end.
She may even return to Wellington with her tail between her legs so to speak, but I hope not. Shedeserves  better.

Strange dream of Sonny last night ...I wonder what that boy is thinking sometimes. He appeared with his bro Koroi yesterday and delicately picked some errant flowers out of Koroi's afro hair, like a doting wife. Such a bromance going on there. Koroi now has a flat in New Town and I am wondering if Sonny may move in but I doubt it, he has it too good with me here, and  cheap. I really give these three an excellent life at home in Wellington.

The orange cake is baked, it didn't drop, looks great, and I am packed for the roadtrip and amreally looking forward to it, although the papers say the one hour trip yesterday to Waikanae took three hours. The roads out of Wellington are very limited but we are going to the Wairarapa which is a tiny less popular than the Kapiti Coast. It will he OK with Tom he has done it many times before.

My new creation....!

Sunny at New Town

Typical kiwi I'm afraid....

Tomorrow's decider....


Michael CampbellMaori golfer who beat Tiger Woods

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