Thursday 8 October 2015

Friday on my mind...

Rushing a little into town as today I forgot it was a 'help Tom' day. He is finishing his moving to Norsewood and needs another hand to help load his trailer. We'll meet up presumably at Memphis about eleven. In the meantime I may plan my visit to the Alliance française for later today.

Sausalito here we come...!But not for a while yet I'm afraid.

Oriental Bay bought for a song....$570K for a view with Art Deco apartment .

Looks bad for Kiwi Cairnshis confidence got the better of him, his 'mates' will tell the truth.

Two visitors at Memphis

Good Theatre at ArenaJanet Frame's troubled life revisited

Smiling Nonu before tomorrow's game against Tonga

With my office now organised and room in order I can now get on with the rest of my life.  I have two goals for this year, which is now nearly over ( I can't believe it) but I still have time to start them and carry them in to next year. They are to join the Alliance française with a view to teaching there part time, and also join the city Toastmasters group which meets on Mondays in Manners Street. This will be a big addition to my program but one that I can hold to with Body Positive now defunct, or nearly.

The first part of 2016 is already accounted for, that is, if I continue with my plans to attend the ECK Springtime Seminar in Minneapolis in March-April. Three weeks away is enough with visits to Vancouver Island and San Francisco to see Elanita and Douglas. I will soon have to buy the tickets through BYO Jet...

Caught a late showing of this Toni Colette movie, she dying of cancer and of course well acted with Drew Barrymore complementing her in quite a good English tear jerker at the Penthouse Cinema Brooklyn 

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