Tuesday 6 October 2015

The Paramount

Singh is Bling! This ridiculous Bollywood musical about of course, boy meets girl, falls in love, and marries, is classic Indian schmaltz. But it's done in hip hop and with a touch of Rumanian castles and gangsters thrown in. The exquisite beauty of the Indian female makes the James Bond womanlook positively, boring and here she is also endowed with the skills of Rambo. 

An entertaining movie shown only at the Paramount, home to movie festivals and a Art films, I was alone in the room until eight Indians arrived and chatted and laughed the whole way through this over two hour movie. In Indiathey have an interval break for toileting and snacks obviously, but not here. 

I mosey home exhausted at eleven pm but I enjoyed the skirmish with the Punjabi and a glimpse of the holiday and old hippie mecca of Goa. Sonny met me at home and had never heard of the star 'Singh' who seems to be already a successful franchise in India. Sonny has deserted his country someways, it must be said.

In the dark at the Paramount...to see

Athletic boy meets beautiful girl...say no more!

Memphis is never closed.....really.

Unfortunate result in New Zealand schools

Is this Trans Pacific deal good for everyone, I think not!

Three great Samoan tenors sitll reigning supreme

Reason has Foley the winner for the Wallabies

Meet Tom for coffee and he discouraged me from my plan to introduce Ron to the private material I alone have, concerning the wrong appointment of the recent Board Executive Director. Better to leave Ron out of the equation he says, as his time is now over. But the stuff I have is of vital interest to some people and could play a role in the next appointment of an ED if this one steps down, as we are all hoping, in the wake of the resignation of the present Chairman. One of the former applicants, if still available, would be a perfect replacement for this one who is, although technically proficient, Canadian orientated, and thus not suitable for a Kiwi-centric position.

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