Saturday 3 October 2015

World Cup - Oz in quarterfinals

Today I was up early to witness along with a lot of other Aussies at the Cambridge Hotel the big match so far in the World Cup, England vs Australia. The match was crucial to England's hopes of survival but they did not live up to the their country's dreams. Australia won by a large margin and now are on a run to play Wales in the quarterfinals. This will be a game well worth watching.

Samoa vz Japan on cable...New Zealand is in 
Rugby fever!

Lesley, footy aficionadoup all night!

Two Auckland Trans-boyz comparingnotes, creating comic books, and being happy.

The PM's dreamof having pandas at our zoo??

This is very sad..Viet vets who are dying from agent orange and not getting governmental support to help their medical costs. Something is very wrong and these men are suffering badly, and are very angry, justly!

Dropped in to Memphis on Sunday morning and it is so busy I think Johnny could retire soon, just joking! It takes a lot of work and employees to run such a café and he deserves all the success he gets. I have one his specialities today, muesli and yoghurt - it is quite a meal. The day is still warm and sunny so now to do some Sunday shopping and return home for a nap before tonight's dance.

This morning I made an interesting phone call to bro in Sydney, the priest. Peter is recently returned from a three month tour of Europe and the US,  quite an exhausting holiday, and he is now slowly recovering from it. He has a severe cold and doesn't sound very well at all. He will survive doubtlessly, but needs some medical attention I think. His big trip did seem a big ask on an eighty year old who isn't used to such travel anyway, and I think his body is now letting him know the bad news. I hope he has a good rest and takes it easy, not too much golf for him at the moment... it's amazing he can even get out of bed in the morning! Good luck Pete! 

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