Monday 26 October 2015

Labour Day Holiday

Monday and the two workers have been labouring on this Monday holiday for three hours already, and it's only ten am! I rolled over in my Afgan bed at four am and tried, unsuccessfully, to listen to the Aussies knock out the young Argentina team which I heard later won by fifteen points or more. Next Sunday the final between the ABs and the Wallabies will be the classic feud between the two top Rugby nations in the world. Poor northern hemisphere, they didn't get a look in!

My comfy Afgan bed

Newly mown lawn...

Blue skies in Norsewood..

Tom has such plans for this Post Office cottage, which I discovered yesterday he bought for the paltry sum of 18.5 K dollars in 1998, only eighteen and a half thousand dollars! Telecom were off-loading now useless outmoded Telecom offices and this one had no-one interested except Tom, and he pounced and got his prey. It is now worth two hundred thousand or thereabouts but of course he has no wish to sell as it is indeed a gem. 

At the back is a gorgeous garden soon to filled with fruit trees, a lock-up garage,  and at the street front opposite the only hotel lies the two bedroom house with lovely sunroom where I have been sleeping and a cosy sitting room with a wood burning fire to keep the house warm. And then, of course, the former PO itself, soon to be a self-contained studio flat, or office work space, available for some rent or used as a caretaker's residence. 

Really, it has it all, but he is putting in some hard word to achieve his goals, with Brent's help of course. They are happy not asking for my help as indeed I am not in a state to offer it, so I am happy to be observing and appreciating their gigantic efforts.

We plan to return to Wellie when they are finished, possibly mid-afternoon, and risk the holiday traffic, which, from the Wairarapa, shouldn't be all that bad. It has been, indeed, a nice 'weekend in the country'!
The hard working, bemasked Brent

A lushly laden lemon tree

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