Thursday 22 October 2015

Thanks Joe Gin!

Well my back has told me it's time for a manipulation and Joe Gin is the best man around. He straps me onto his back and stretches me and I hear the bones crack. He is only about five feet tall but strong and Chinese and knows his stuff. Cash only of course, and he makes a good living by word of mouth.
Three o'clock today should see me, painfully, as it hurts, with a better spine for a while anyway. This is an ongoing treatment and it is quite a while since I needed him so I'm doing well.
Memphis greys skies.

All about the All Blacks.

My diet is Mediterranean!!

Could be worth getting up at four am in Norsewood to listen to!

The coffee menu... Great!

An argument for Veganism....

I was once vegan, when living with Jayne, a raw foods aficionado, and I must say I was never healthier. Could I do it again, not by myself I'm afraid. Living now with three big meat eaters is a lesson in detachment as I am eating less and less meat, but fish does feature, and that's not vegan. Nor are eggs and milk, so it is tough to organise and I think I am better just reducing my sugar and cakes!

Tom is coming it the Memphis to join me for a coffee and talk about the coming weekend in Norsewood. Then I am home to bake my orange cake to take with us, after that the Chinese massage, and the HU song to finish th week. It has been quite a week by the way, and I still haven't written that letter. Sometimes it's better to wait and be sure as I tend to be a bit heavy in my letter writing and I don't want to make that mistake.

Back from the Joe visit and yes he's moved up in the world, even has a sign out front and people are lining up now. I wait a while and hear him educating a whole family about their spinal chords, and then they send the kids out to get cash to pay as they are obviously first customers and they didn't know the rules. 

Finally Joe appears and ushers me in. Ten minutes later after a few stretches he is done with me.
My spine feels better of course, but I thought I needed a massage. Recognising I felt bit short changed, he charges me fifty dollars and shakes my hand allowing the next customer to come in. I suppose I really couldn't ask for more as someone else was waiting.  I had chatted with this one who had expressed the bleak view that the world was going to the dogs and the few who pulled the strings were multi billionaire Jewish families. He was not particularly happy about this..

Home for a rest before my first HU at Flashdog which I am facilitating. Will be good for me.
Also as it is Friday I decide to catch a movie afterwards at the Cuba Lighthouse, a spy movie with Tom Hanks, looked good in the shorts.

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