Tuesday 10 March 2015

Back at 'Home'

Am at Turnbull Library to see Keith McE about the refund to WCC. He is hard to track but I thought if I came to his work he might give me a minute. But it doesn't look like it.

Yesterday was busy as always, no wonder I am giving up on Neighbourly. Went to an ECK meeting at Viva's then home to a prayer-singing Hindu at eleven pm. Didn't quite know what to do but I waited a while and it didn't last too long. I know his next-room neighbour Fir would have been trying to sleep but Sonny is oblivious to others' needs sometimes I'm afraid, and sometimes I have to tell him. But he does understand then. I suppose it's his upbringing and youth in action, but he is a bit self-obsessed.

Oops! Big mistake on my side, I just spoke to Sonny and was enlightened that it was actually Koroi singing an island song late last night, possibly feeling homesick! 
So my abject apologies for again, mis-judging Sonny in his activities.  It is really a big lesson for me to learn here, but luckily I did not react to an impulse last night to knock on his door. Also luckily  Koroi's room is two away from Fir's, so perhaps it didn't disturb her, as he finished well before midnight I think.

At 'Home' cafe in National library

Orange decor...

Pic of Newtown Fair in  'Fishhead' mag.

Keith finally did come down for a minute so I gave him Phil's business card and explained the detail to him. He is a man of few words Keith, a prerequisite perhaps, for a Music librarian? Anyway I spoke a bit to him and he replied in grunts, and that was that. I then see an email from Jennifer suggesting I might have a room for her friend Fay whom I met at The Long Hall at Hunderwasser's talk. I will contact Mr Patel to see if he has already let out the room below.

The Swedish movie which was 
NOT a comedy!

This movie, which I had thought to be a movie of survival against the odds, was not exactly that, although it was a movie of survival, but marriage survival in this case. Superbly acted in a cold Swedish way, with a very sexy lead male role playing the 'cowardly' husband, it was indeed a psychological thriller in a small way, with a few wry, low-key comedic bits thrown in, which I'm afraid did nothing to lighten its very dark and sombre cinematography. One piece of publicity called it 'the best comedy in years', from Variety I believe. That is just SO wrong, they must have been looking at a different movie to the one I saw. Certainly worth a visit if only for the amazing footage, in the French Alps I think. The two kids were also fabulous and it even had a slightly happy, if equivocal, ending. 
Four Stars

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