Monday 2 March 2015

Cool day at City Library

Today I am off to town to secure three seats to the Royal NZ Ballet's production of Don Quixote. I know Willi and Robert will like it a lot. The NZ Ballet's new Artistic Director, Francesco Ventriglia, is the star behind this production and he is interviewed in today's Dom Post by a  very smitten female journalist. Ventriglia is only 39 years old, is full of Italian energy and will doubtless be a good
artistic director for the excellent ballet company
I am really looking forward to seeing it on Saturday night, the day Willi and Robert are arriving in Wellington for their four day visit. Unbelieveably I am super busy over this time ( Interfaith and ECK) but will squeeze in time for them of course. This is my Wellington life, just TOO busy, but stimulating.

Am in the city library absorbed in two Art magazines and realise how much I will miss this fabulous resource library as it has everything and it is fantastic just being inside its walls.

Locals winning with Marmalade

Francesco Ventriglia, relaxing

The red headed barista..

Downs Syndrome in Eurovision!

The Art goods....

Today I finally popped into the City Art Gallery to see the end of the Yvonne Todd, from Auckland, exhibition of photographs and frocks. She is quite amazing and again I am stunned by the absolute creativity of the young Kiwi artists. It was a great exhibition and I am only sorry I didn't go earlier to see the complete exhibition as it was only one floor available now.

Back home after visit to BP and hear the news of Ron's 50th birthday being held at the Welsh Barand everyone is going to be wearing a lei. Whose idea was this I wonder I am not sure but it is well underway for Saturday 29th March which day wil be Benjamin's birthday as well.

Home now, and just off the phone from Jennifer discussing plans for Neighbours Day. It is becoming clear that we are not at all on the same page in this affair. J is concerned with her Long Hall trusteeship, and I, with the Neighbours. Also as I have had no positive feedback from my three postings I have decided it is not worth the stress to pursue it. I am about to email WCC with this information and I will 'reluctantly' inform J of it as well. No doubt she will be unhappy, but that is now done. One doesn't 'do' neighbours alone, and as Tom Halliburton in Neighbourhood Watch said to me, they are not very enthusiastic in this suburb. He is the only one who has been at all supportive so I will email him at the same time. I feel better already as it was starting to become a load on my shoulders I don't need to have.
I have too much else to worry about.
Now on to the emails....

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