Sunday 22 March 2015

Last day at Long Bay

As you see from my pics it is a cloudy and somewhat cooler Sunday, perfect for a quiet day of recollection.

I cancelled my planned trip to the Hot Baths at Waiwera, leaving the space for a more enthusiastic member to attend. More talks to attend on updates and a legal battle which should be more interesting, I decide to stay back and pack for the afternoon's trip to Waiheke Island and the Norma visit tonight.

Last night the talent show was a fun experience opened by our Maori contingent, me included, singing a couple of Waiata with the appropriate dance moves, which was greeted with much applause. The major event was Ailua singing Ella Fitzgerald's 'My Funny Valentine', which he did with great emotion and received an ecstatic audience response. He was very happy. Afterwards we all repaired to see yet another movie, my third sighting of the great English winner,  'Pride', which was shown to an appreciative audience. Then off to a good night's sleep.

It has been good so far, nothing great, but most enjoyable, with some good re-acquaintances made and it will be sad to say goodby later today.
Heavy clouds...

....the Chapel in the sky...

...from my balcony.

This morning, the Canadian new incumbent, Mark Fisher E.D., gave an informative spin on the legal position of hiv positive people on disclosure.
Should hiv become a notifiable disease as has been signed into national law in Canada? Dr Peter Satxon, social scientist specialising in hiv and AIDS spoke to this topic.
Are we a public health risk? If hiv is notified then our freedom will certainly be curtailed. Stigma is still rampant in many circles in New Zealand even within the gay community. The Bill about the NHI, the National Health Index in Canada, was the subject under discussion. Mark is making a pointed proposal on behalf of Body Positive to the NZ government.

The emerging problem of HPV, human papiloma virus, (genital warts) was discussed with Peter Saxton endorsing the new vaccine now available as essential for the younger people where HPV is now rife, but also advisable for both sexes who are sexually promiscuous up to about the age of fifty. 

Sex has certainly created some problems for the health industry, or has it just created a gold-mine for the interested drug companies? One could ponder that question ad infinitum. It was an informative meeting all the same.

Interested discourse...

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