Sunday 8 March 2015

Te Papa

Coffee at Havana to start the day. Too busy and noisy for my quiet European friends, they dislikedthe  Sydney noise and the Kiwis weren't much better. Sadly we could have sat in the calm of next door with no-one there except us. But happily we saw Tom who joined us for a few minutes before we chuffed off to see the marvellous  Te Papa. Unfortunately I think the Maori culture is just a little too strange for these two middle Europeans, or is it just they have been on too long a holiday, four months is a bit long for me, that's for sure.
At cafe Havana

Willi  paying...

And Willi chatting...

But first a visit on the way to meet Ron at BP, and CJ and Ailua. It was a lovely encounter however I think I may he putting them  both through some totally new experiences in Wellington, all for the good.

The Te Papa visit was good as always. We could have stayed longer but I saw fatigue setting in and soI phoned  Ti Kouka for a reservation at 2pm. Luckily there was one available and I accompanied them to the front door where I left with my need to home and prepare food for tomorrow's lunch to which I've invited them both. It won't be Ti Kouka, reputedly one of the best restaurants in Wellington for the price. But it will be healthy, simple and made with love. i will be interested to see how thyr enjoyed the Kiwi fare at this lovely restaurant which I have long wished to taste.

So tonight at Ti Whanawhana it will be just water melon cubes, seeded, of course.
Happily the weather has turnd good again, and it's warm and even a little humid, preparing me for Gosford and making me feel even more homesick.

Back from Ti Whanwhana and we have been invited to sing a new song at the Cuba Dupa festival on the 28/29 so my plans for the Neighbourhood meeting are even less likely.

This big Fest looks like it will be quite something with about five choirs participating in a walk towards the centre satge and then everyone singing the same song, specially created for the celebration, by the choir master extraordinaire, Julian. I look forward to meeting him, one of the great characters of Wellington I hear.

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