Sunday 15 March 2015

At the Memphis before the gale

Well Cyclone Pam has wrought havoc in Vanauatu and I hear from flatmate Koroi who has been flown there  by Radio NZ to cover it that it is a scene of desolation. He is tweeting regularly and says there are eleven fatalities, not twenty-four as in the press. We will hear more later, but Wellington has virtually escaped unmarked except for some turbulent southerly winds whipping up the waves outside my window.
I notice K has taken a blanket with him in case the situation is dire and there is no place to sleep.

Wet on Dixon Street

Headlines in Dom Post

The disaster in the Pacific makes everything here inconsequential as life goes on. 

At our Interfaith meeting last night Kush gave a fascinating video clip explaining clearly the essence and teachingsof the Hindu Faith, or way of life, as he called it. It is amazingly similar, if not identical to Eckankar teachings, the major difference being the sound we use is not Aum, but HU, and we have a living ECK Master at all times. I mentioned this to the assembled group and the Chair peremptorily asked me why then, am I not following Hindu, and gave me no time to answer. I may have to write her a letter to elucidate the difference in the religions.

However in the meantime it is time to clear up my desk mess and put in order my affairs. A quick phone call to Maisie wishing her Happy St Pats Day also set me in a better state of mind. Maisie is always good for some sane advice when I get emotionally a bit carried away

Bleak, wet and windy outside

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