Thursday 26 March 2015

Friday at Memphis

Just walked by the Arty Bees Bookstore, one of the biggest secondhand bookshops in Wellington, of  which there are many btw. They have a big sale upstairs, 95% off and I am tempted, to say the least. 

So I walk in and see at least three books I would love to have, but for about one hundred dollars and weighing a ton. So I am suitably discouraged, reminding myself this is one of my obsessions I must get in control of. However I may just go back to have a quick look, after all, I am only human!

Books galore...
The windows..

..the temptation...

More books...

..and more..

And more!

Memphis with local poetry on each table

Kiwis still obsessed with sport

This country is very winning, in more ways than one. With its tongue firmly in cheek I am sure, one of the top commercial radio stations is called Wellington Breeze. So much for its valid reputation as being one of, if not the, windiest city in the world. 

Last night I was swimming at the Freyberg Pool which is on the famed Oriental Parade. Named after a Kiwi War Hero who was also a champion swimmer, it is a jewel and very handy for a quick swim being five minutes from downtown Wellie. 

Our new coach, (American Paige was repatriated), Casey, is a long distance champ, having swum both the English Channel and Cook Straits a few times I believe. He is like all Kiwis, or most of them, mild and understated, very good at his job and a delight to be with. He also looks fabulous! 

Last night we exited early as there was a hygiene scare at the pool, some toilets had spilled over it seems. They take no risks there, so they closed the pool! Perhaps this is over-reaction, but really it would only happen in a sport and health obsessed country like New Zealand. So we left five minutes early (only) and decided to have a drink at the nearby Bluewater Grill, a wonderful looking restaurant which I had never visited, right on the bay, opposite the Dairy owned by my beloved landlord Mr Patel.

We each had one drink, a lemon lime and bitters for me, boutique beers for the other three, and we continued to chat about the coming weekend where DSW is having a belated appearance on the street to garner new members hopefully. It will be on the Sunday of the Cubadupa weekend and happily rain is not predicted. The Drag Queens will lead a parade from Civic Square to Cuba where we will have  a stall which I  am manning with Martin for a couple of hours. Another busy weekend coming up.

And here is the wonder and beauty of this city. So much going on, of such pronounced quality, and you have to choose as you can't do everything. I see a great dance group is on at the Opera House for one night tonight, I can't go as I have a French Festival movie! So be it.

Later today I am attending a lunchtime workshop on Social Media, how to use it, given by the Wellington Volunteers association.  I may now become a twitter addict...

As I said, so much to do.

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