Sunday 22 March 2015

Long Bay Bliss

Arriving at the Retreat site at the very beautiful Long Bay, about forty five minutes north of Auckland on the road to Whangerei, the mini bus is quietly expectant. The visitors traditionally love coming up here, especially from the cold southern climes, but today is not much different from the South as Mother Nature, quirky as even, brings grey skies and showers. But who knows, tomorrow it could be warm and sunny. Such are the vagaries of Kiwi weather, even in the North. There will be about fifty men here in total I believe, and the chemistry could be volatile coming from all parts of Aetearoa. The Maori contingent have set up their camp in the large long room which is nominated as Te Marae, with rubber mattresses strewn around the room as in the traditional Marae setting. This will be a space for the Karakia and Waiata during the weekend

 On arrival we were given our room key and a small pack of 'goodies', snacks etc, as our Glad Bag. It is the tradition. At six we are assembling for the opening meal and later to hear the overall plans for the weekend program. I know there is a three hour 'tramp' on each morning, but not having (stupidly) brought my rain jacket I will likely forego that pleasure. But there will be other things to do, not the least meet and chat with the new people. Already an formerly unknown Wellingtonian has appeared so there may be other surprises. My re-uniting with my Maori friends will also be welcome. I have been told I am sharing my small but nice room with B, a Wellington friend who is half Maori and half Pakeha, with lots to talk about perhaps. B is not arriving till later at 9.30 pm having taken a later flight so it is nice to settle in, solo.
View from my cabin...

Lovely verandah...

Looking back up the slope of Vaughan Park

After an afternoon nap

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