Friday 27 March 2015

Cubadupa Festival

I was up early today for R.V. at nine am at the NZPC. Needless to say, arriving ten minutes early no-one was there so I popped down to Cuba St to see this great street preparing for a very big day. And so it turned out to be.

After a quick rehearsal we all arrived near Floridita's to meet up with five other choirs to do a final rehearsal for the noon start. All went well although the weather was threatening, of course it is Wellington so you expect anything.  

Right on twelve the clouds broke and the showers arrived, but to no real effect. The energy was too high and a bit of rain never stoppeed a Kiwi.  The five choirs converged on a square having been thoroughly  redecorated and looking fabulous with an enormous carousel with chandeliers on each corner. 

Julian, the choir master, had really done his stuff and after a karakia and some waitata at Dixon Street we walked with a spectacular group of young Maori singers from Te Whitereia along Cuba to meet up with two more choirs, Vox Serbicus and Wososi. Then all together we arrived at the square to meet the one hundred strong Wellington Singers, all singing in harmony a wonderful waiata created for the day in honour of Cuba Street. It was an exciting and wonderful celebration, and thus began the two days of feasting and song.

Tomorrow I will be walking in another parade with the Different Strokes Wellington swimmers. More fun and very united.

Again I am struck by the high quality and total dedication of all these Kiwis, many of them immigrants escaped from the war in Europe. Finding this island jewel at the end of the world is something they will never stop celebrating. And their kids love it too. 

Tonight I am back to Courtenay Place to fete Ron from BP on his 50th birthday at the Welsh Club. It will be a big bash I think.

Ti Whanawhana warm-up

The Haka starts

Beginning with a karakia

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