Sunday 22 March 2015

Waiheke Island visit

Well I haven't had time to digest and understand the mysteries of the Long Bay weekend and I am already on the ferry to another mystery, this time that of the Waiheke sort. Sitting behind an elderly couple of Island mavens no doubt, both dressed in matching blue and white outfits, the preferred colours for the retired wealthy of this tiny island paradise, where they would also have a wealth of blue and white porcelain china in their three or four bathroom home on Waiheke, I am uncharitablly assuming.
Leaving Auckland Quay

Princess cruise ship berthed

Blue and white neighbours..

The ferry has one stop before the destination of Waiheke, it is Devonport, but we don't stay long and I take time to absorb the quite heavy, and for me, unpalatable sense of privilege and entitlement which permeates the greater part of the deck where I have chosen to sit. Most are well past middle age, but there are a few young ones, probably born to wealth, and we are looking at zero point one percent of the world's population here, quietly happy, smiling, and content to live in a paradise most others could never even dream of. I feel strangely out of place, and not too comfortable. Do I feel inferior, I think not.

 Back in Gosford, with a heterogeneous bunch of ragtag people, I think I will feel much more at home. 
I am also interested to hear from Norma how she feels after her Sydney visit. I fear the worst, but hope to be proved wrong.

The Local for a fish meal

Decided to take the early ferry to Waiheke and meet Norma at a restaurant. Of course the first place I go to knows Norma. Sarah at the bar says she and Fay (Norma's sister) were there one day getting over a hangover buying a fish takeaway. It has got the idea of selling wrapped cooked fish, with no table service, but one is able to sit and look at a wonderful view over the bay while waiting. A typical Kiwi innovation. They are full of advanced ideas these Kiwis, and they seem to work. I have been a little judgemental about the lifestyle of these seemingly well heeled people but of course they probably worked bloody hard to get where they are today and deserve fully the life.

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