Sunday 29 March 2015

The day after the great loss

The whole of Kiwiland is mourning today as their new favourite team, The Black Caps, lost overwhelmingly to Aussie last night in Melbourne on the hallowed grounds of the MCG. It was a fait accompli I'm afraid. That ground spooks anyone, it has a spirit unto itself. And the naive Kiwis just didn't accept that they had to readjust completely to accommodate it. The Aussie team was better, and as well, had this enormous advantage. But the Kiwis  were a fantastic team and did their best and achieved the best. They could never have won that game but Kiwis expect so much of their sports stars.

Back page news ..the loss

Aussies celebrate

Still at the Memphis

Local winner Winston Peters, is he PM material?

Cubadupa celebrates

New table at Memphis..!

The fragile psyche of the average Kiwi was on show yesterday, but tomorrow it is forgotten. The weather is fine and they go about their business. March weather has been fantastic and with daylight saving coming next week at Easter time things look even better.  

The Memphis is certainly typical of all that is good in Wellington. They now have employed a young Down Syndrome man in the kitchen and are educating him. He is doing well. They are very aware of the 'other' and always do their best. It is indeed a fabulous country in spite of their always talking themselves down. Tall poppy syndrome is rife here I think and they hate the boasting Aussies. 
Ah well, Viva la difference!

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