Wednesday 11 March 2015

More sunny Wellie

This weekend is the Dragon Boat Festival with twelve teams coming from NSW. I wonder if my friend Di from Melbourne is still involved in this corporate sporting venture? Must give her a call.
Pic shows two Aussie gay women who came here last year for the festival and got married to celebrate their long relationship, saying it's a pity Australia hasn't grown up yet! I'm afraid I wholeheartedly agree with them but with leaders like the pubescent and pugilistic Tony Abbott we are a long way from maturity.
Aussies getting hitched in Wellington

Memphis coffee - Versato lungo

Ten French die in helicopter crash in 'reality TV'!

Decide for a spinach filo wrap, with salsa

Am at the Memphis, the music is loud but interesting and the vibe here is always good. I even decide today I will bequeath them one of my pictures when I leave as there is a space on the wall waiting for it. My little memory of Memphis for when I return for a visit one day.

Today I have a meeting at Te Papa for the Candlelight with Ron and Nikki. Hope it goes well as Nikki can be a problem sometimes with her creative feminist mindset. It is really such a simple event to organise for someone with some experience at all. Last year she was in a bit of a dither with nothing prepared one hour before the event. Let's hope it's better this year with Michael Kirby coming.

But it's a start for the organisation of the day which is scheduled for May 17. Am also posting Hazel's birthday card today, leaving it twelve days to arrive, the postage time here is unbelievable. Let's hope she gets it by the 24th.

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