Tuesday 17 March 2015

Quiet after the storm

Am lying on my bed and it is calm after the tail end of cyclone Pam which devastated the Melanesian islands of Vanuatu and so many others. Koroi is there amongst the debris reporting for Radio New Zealand, we will hear all about it on his return whenever that may be.

This is my enduring memory of the beauty of my bedroom at number 42 Evans Bay Parade.
The view..

I have just had coffee with Steve to suggest he stand for the Board at this weekend's AGM in Auckland. He has agreed and I think he will be a shoo in, especially if I decide not to stand which I think is a good idea. However we'll see what the rest of the Board thinks as there won't be enough places for too many Wellingtonians on the Board.

I am gearing up for the weekend which will be quite exhausting as I am also visiting Norma on the way home. The Retreat itself is a tiring experience and I will be exhausted on my return.

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