Sunday 22 March 2015

Return home to Wellie

Last night was a meal out with Norma at an Italian/Indian pizza joint, perhaps the best pizza I have had, as Norma assured me it was for her. Home for more chats and an early night as we were both very tired. A good night's sleep and dreams, unfortunately forgotten, left me in a good state for a coffee and toast with N before the ten o'clock ferry to Auckland, and then the Jetstar flight home to Wellie.

It seems a lot has happened in the last few days and indeed it has. The Retreat went very well, and I enjoyed it a lot. The visit with N was also successful, and she is still interested in HUing so I left it with her. No pushing, but it is not a coincidence that she Facebooked me out of the blue three months ago. She values my friendship without knowing what I have to offer her, which is pure unconditional love and friendship, generated  by my love for the ECK and my knowledge of where I am going. 
Who knows what the future can hold? Norma is absolutely on some path and she is not sure what it is. She now has the keys to open the doors if she so wishes.  I leave that to the ECK.

Local newspapers full of cricket

Semifinal against South Africa

Student commuter to Auckland

Back from a holiday on the Island

Waiting at Auckland airport

Bella waiting for me safe and sound at Kilbirnie. Quick shopping at Pak'n Save then home along Evans Bay Parade.....what a street to live on!!

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