Monday 30 March 2015

The post mortems

Another beautiful autumn day and Wellington is blushing with embarrassment. The newspapers are also holding post-mortems about the cricket loss but Captain Baz McCullum is making gracious and sensible statements. There is no pride lost, just a great three weeks of cricket with the Kiwis runners-up to the best team in the world, the Aussies.

How could Wellington be so good to us? Caught the 9.40 am bus with Koroi on his way to work. Last night we has a good chat about his three weeks in Vanuatu and today he said he spent the last week on a luxury yacht supplying aid to the  cyclone victims with the help of the American yacht owner. He certainly has a story to tell, but also some of the trauma he experienced secondhand is not lost on him. I even dare to suggest he get some professional help at work as it could eventually have a detrimental effect on him and his work ouput. He agreed and is going to look into it.

Bought this book on the dollar sale at Quilters yesterday. They are clever cartoons about the famous Fitzgerald Police inquiry in Brisbane. Channel Ten took the lid off the most corrupt police force in the   country (perhaps) and this artist and writer covered it in a book of hilarious watercolours.

It was during the reign of Joh Bjelke Petersen and crime was everywhere, but Joh pleaded ignorance! Such was the stupidity of this Premier.

Have finally received an OK from the choir at to perform at our Candlelight Memorial in six weeks at Te   Papa. Lee from the Glamaphones has suggested using Ennio Morricone's Gabriel's Oboe solo from his theme to the academy award winning movie 'The Mission'. It could be quite a tear jerker, and also they will sing Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah', also a winner. Now to go to BP to get the OK from Ron.

This week is to be my week of cleaning my desk so today is the day I begin. It will take more than one day to do it but it will be a big relief to be decluttered and start with a clean desk. Such things are dreams made of.

A near empty Memphis Belle 

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