Thursday 21 July 2016

Film Festival begins

Today is the start of the incredibly popular and successful NZFF. For fifteen days across the country at the major bigger cities the festival will unroll over a hundred local and international flms of note, all of which will be greedily consumed by an avid cinema-going public. The Kiwis love their movies. Today I am going to see a Brazilian movie called 'Neon Bull' which I'm sure will be interesting to say the least.
There are also many documentaries shown and in my selection of ten movies I have chosen five docos as I always have a soft spot for them. There are a few clashes unfortunately with so much going in Wellington and in my life.
As this will be probably my last nzff It is hard to make this big break which is nonetheless, inevitable. It just depends on when, will it be in October or will I wait till December? All will depend on the outcome of my visit to Sydney and Gosford in two weeks time.
Above is a classic example of a can-do Kiwi, although I think he's a Pom and also a Cambridge (UK) Doctor  and ex Professor of English at Victoria University. A quiet achiever that's for sure.
Dishonest Kiwi vanishes will the money....easy peasy!
The police using a sting to catch a baby-killer...sad story.
This is one of the great documentaries I will be seeing....
I fear Erdogan is worse than the military which wanted to supplant him, he is a bloody dictator.
More about this man and his amazing recovery at 77 from a knee replacement. This is a man who needs to run and has a documentary made about him and his equally amazing wife who was the first female Boston Marathon competitor in 1976, quite an Alpha couple ay? Worth a look at the festival too!

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