Friday 15 July 2016

Osteopath and concert

Up early to see osteopath Derek Devey and he fulfilled his promise completely. A real kindred spirit, a bit mad and a great back practioner, just whom I needed to fix me today. I also bought some expensive but necessary Magnesium powder which I will now take instead of my Green drink. 
Then on to visit Heta with the new hip and I bequeathed him my beloved Serena, and of course the Grace Jones bio which I know he and Paul his partner will both enjoy. After that then a quick trip to Tiwhanawhana for a bit more poi practice.
Another disaster in France this time in Nice, more than eighty deaths with hundreds wounded.
A big truck killed the innocente bystanders revelling in July 14 party
Harry being Harry....
This is my new health regime...
Tara Moss a writer and a spokeswoman for women...
Young PM Trudeau showing how to be with the younger generation.
Aussies pools are iconic, but perhaps overrated?

The Richard Strauss concert which my neighbour David invited me to was excellent in every way. A local and very talented soprano topped off a memorable night at the Michael Fowler Centre.
Home afterwards for a good night's sleep after quite a big day.

Orchestra Wellington doing the great 'Capriccio' of Richard Strauss to an enthusiatic home audience.
Below talented Soprano Anna Leese sang Strauss like the true professional she is, with a starry future assured overseas.

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