Monday 18 July 2016

Chilly Tuesday

After a day of recollection yesterday and a phone call to Aussie friend Peter, I feel reassured about my imminent return to my increasingly attractive Australia.
The poitics there are not great with the return of the weak Malcolm Turnbull, but then, where are you going to get perfect politics? Never. So this is not a factor in my decision, it is just that my time in these windy isles is nearly over. Understanding of course, that I will always come back here to visit.

This is certainly the cold climate country with suitable clothing to accommodate it.
The interislander ferry falling foul of a windy day losing a truck and container of frozen pork en route to Picton...!!
This rare animal is the icon of this country and certainly needs to be reintroduced and cared for. Shy, delicate but tough, soft fur but resilient spirit in its utter vulnerability. Sounds like a Kiwi!
New Zealand's choral strength is certainly proven globally with the triumphant return of the NZ Youth choir, winning four top medals at the pre-eminent world Choral competition in the Czech Republic. It was their 11th international tour and all tours were highly successful. Simultaneously announced today is that Auckland has won the nomination for the World Choral Fest in 2020. You can't get better than that with the level of choral skills here being higher than most in the world I believe.
Overseas students, in this case Americans, are loving the exciting challenges of Wellington's academic life.
India and Pakistan have the most retrograde attitudes towards women in the world. Families condone killing their own for just being free!
More US murdering on the streets, when will it be stopped, I fear never.
Kiwi darling Lydia Ko nurses yet another hard-won trophy. She is on her way to represent NZ at the Rio  Olympics, hopefully to return with a Gold medal.

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