Sunday 31 July 2016

Monday's confirmation

I didn't need more confirmation of my imminent Aussie return than my meet-up with Ann this morning at Memphis. She happily arrived at ten as agreed and she had the delightful Thana with her from Ballarat. Gloria joined us soon after and they had an interesting if short, conversation where it became obvious that we three were on another spiritual path and not amenable to converting to Gloria's brand of evangelical Christianity.
 So be it.
Here is Ann smiling waiting for her long coffee at Memphis
With Thana who did not convert to Christianity at Gloria's behest!
Kiwis laughing at Kevin Rudd, and with just reason
The madness has only just begun....
It's about time that Te Reo became compulsory teaching in all primary schools.
Netball is the female counterpart to the religion of Kiwi Rugby.

In now feel I am in low gear revving up for my soon departure to OZ to make my final decision public about my return to  Gosford in October. The ten days I spend there will be filled to the brim with meetings and plans for my return when I will certainly be in top gear.

 I will wait till I am settled before I even think about the purchase of another vehicle as I suppose I will still need one, just for my independence if nothing else. I will all the same be travellng on train and bus in my return to OZ.

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